Private Add on rating

About the add on rating helicopter training course

This course is for helicopter instrument rated commercial pilots, usually flight instructors, who want to expand their teaching abilities and earning potential.

Fixed wing pilots looking to add the helicopter rating to their resume are required to have this training.

Get your add on rating for helicopter ! Fill out a pilot application today!

Pilot testimonial:

Helicopter Academy is by far one of the best companies I have every worked with! As a business owner, I know the importance of customer service; and it is a shame how many businesses and companies do not take it seriously anymore. Helicopter Academy however, has the greatest customer service I have ever dealt with! Tom and the instructors were more than willing to make things happen to work with you. The training received was also top notch! I was able to learn the R-22 and the boat photo mission quickly thanks to well trained and easy to get along with instructors. As a former military helicopter pilot, I have to say that doing boat photo has been one of the most fun helicopter experiences I have had the chance to do. It was definitely more fun than military training, and on par with some of the other fun stuff the military gets to do. Working with Helicopter Academy is an experience I will never forget, and I definitely give a solid recommendation for Helicopter Academy. It was a pleasure working with them, I cannot wait to fly with them some more in the future; and I hope you get the unique opportunity to do the same.

- LT Darryl Abriam, U.S. Navy

Helicopter training prerequisites:

Hold at least a private pilot certificate.

Minimum requirements for a Add on private pilot certificate PPL(H):

1. NO FAA WRITTEN Exam Required

2. Already hold a Private (or higher) Pilot Certificate

3. Hold a Current 3rd Class (or higher) FAA Medical Certificate

4. Complete 20 hours Dual Instruction minimum flight time

5. Complete 10 hrs of Solo Flight

Robinson R-22 Private Pilot Add On Part 61*
Per Hour
20 Hrs. Flight Instruction
10 Hrs. Solo Flight Time
Books & Materials
Private Written Exam
FAA Examiner's Fee

Course price example based on standard prices fulfilling the MINIMUM requirements. The average student will need more training. Verify the current price at your preferred training location.